Cecilia Di Bernardi (PhD) from SLU Grimsö will give a seminar about wolf-feeding ecology in Scandinavia and other stories. Date and time: Tuesday 3 October 2023, at 13:15 CET. Join this meeting live over Zoom https://kau-se.zoom.us/j/67521091044 or on Karlsatd University campus at Room 21A349. You are warmly invited.
Jacqueline Hoppenreijs, one of the RivEM PhD students, will be giving a seminar entitled Effects of hydrogeomorphology on riparian seedbank and vegetation composition. Join us on 13 June (13:15 CEST) on Zoom via https://kau-se.zoom.us/my/magnuslovenwallerius or in room 5D306 on KAU Campus.
Peter Lambert (A Marie Curie Postdoctoral fellow at the Environmental and Life Sciences Department of Karlstad University) will be giving a seminar entitled Actions for Insects – from insect decline to actions for insect conservation. You can join live on zoom via https://kau-se.zoom.us/my/magnuslovenwallerius or in room 5D307 on KAU Campus.
On 21 March, Katharina Lapin will be giving a seminar with the title Management of invasive species in riparian forests to our department. Her work centers on the recognition and handling of invasive species in forested areas, but even their effects on forest ecological functions.
Katharina Lapin
As researcher at and head of the Forest Biodiversity & Nature Conservation department of the Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW), Katharina works on the interface of research and management of natural resources. This results in both scientific papers and handbooks that can be immediately applied in the management of Austrian forests. Read about the Centre for Forestry on https://www.bfw.gv.at/ (in German) and join us on Tuesday 21 March at 13:15 CET via <https://kau-se.zoom.us/my/magnuslovenwallerius>.
Jan Thiele from Thünen Institute for Biodiversity, Braunschweig-Germany will be giving a seminar today 7th March 2023 at 13.15 CET live over zoom. The title of this seminar is Effects of historical land-use and landscape structure on arthropod and plant communities in grasslands. To attend visit https://kau-se.zoom.us/my/magnuslovenwallerius
Juliana Daniela-Ferreira (a postdoc researcher from SLU Uppsala) will be giving a talk about the value of road verges and power-line corridors for landscape-scale diversity and connectivity. This will be streamed live on zoom at 13:15 CET on Tuesday 28th February 2023.
Juliana is interested in the relative effects that different land use practices (e.g. agricultural land, productive forests, semi-natural grasslands) have on biodiversity and on how these effects change at different spatial scales. Also, Juliana has an interest in developing strategies for biodiversity conservation that account not only for local disturbances but also for human-induced changes in the landscapes.
On Tuesday, 6th December at 14:15 CET, David Aldvén from Vattenfall AB will be giving a seminar about Hydropower and biodiversity. This will be live over zoom (https://kau-se.zoom.us/my/kaubiology) and on KAU Campus in Room 5F416. You are all invited to attend.
Louis Addo (a Ph.D. student in Biology at Karlstad University) will be giving a talk about the interaction of salmonids fry with changing flows. The talk will be a presentation of a recently published article entitled “Growth and mortality of sympatric Atlantic salmon and brown trout fry in fluctuating and stable flows” by Louis and others from the River Ecology and Management Research group working with salmonids ecology and IBM’s.
You are invited to join this seminar live on zoom and at the biology department at Karlstad University (5F416) at 13:15 CET on 6th December 2022. To join in via zoom use the link: https://kau-se.zoom.us/my/kaubiology
Caroline Durif , a Research Scientist from Bergen University, Norway will be giving a seminar live on Karlstad University campus (Room: 21A349) and also over zoom via https://kau-se.zoom.us/my/kaubiology . The seminar entitled Eel magnetic orientation will start at 15:15 CET on Thursday 17th November 2022. You are all invited to attend this seminar for free. See you there!
On Tuesday 8 November, at 13:15 CET Jenni Prokkola from Academy Research Fellow, Natural Resources Institute (Luke), Finland will be giving a talk about The energetics of life-history variation in Atlantic salmon: a question of resource allocation and genetic constraints. Pioneering genetic association studies have identified genomic regions strongly linked to the enormous life-history variation found in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Jenni will describe how she uses genomic prediction in follow-up empirical studies to test if life history variation in salmon may be constrained by whole animal and tissue-level energetic pathways.
The seminar will be held at Karlstad University House 21, room 349, and also live on zoom at (https://kau-se.zoom.us/my/kaubiology). You are invited to physically attend this seminar at Karlstad University campus building 21 or live on zoom.