New paper comparing correlative and individual-based fish habitat models out.
Posted by Louis Addo | Conservation, Ecology, and Evolution of Nonanadromous Atlantic Salmon
Johan Watz (Associate Professor at University of Karlstad Biology Department) together with others from the department, DHI Sverige and Fortum Sverige have recently published an article with VATTEN- Journal of Water Management and Research. The article, entitled ” HOW MUCH WATER DO SEA TROUT NEED? A COMPARISON BETWEEN A CORRELATIVE AND AN INDIVIDUAL-BASED MODEL TO PREDICT EFFECTS OF FLOW ON STREAM FISH POPULATIONS” used both a correlative model and an individual-based fish habitat model called InSTREM 7 as a management tool to assess water requirements for salmon and trout in a river reach located below Blanka-ström hydropower plant in river Emån, Sweden.
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