The RivEM (Swedish: Naturresurs rinnande vatten, NRRV) research group conducts basic and applied research on aquatic ecosystems. We focus on fluvial systems, from small streams to large rivers, with a particular emphasis on solving real-world conservation problems. Ongoing and recent large projects have focused on ecological effects of dam removal, fish migration and passage in regulated rivers, life-history research on migratory species, ecological connectivity and modeling, winter ecology of stream fishes in relation to global change, aquatic-terrestrial exchanges and fish-mussel host-parasite systems. We maintain an extensive international network, with collaborators throughout Europe, North America, and beyond. We also offer a Master of Science program with emphasis on ecology and conservation biology, accepting students each fall.
PhD students and postdocs:
- Louis Addo, PhD student, ecological modelling
- Elin Blomqvist, PhD student, invasive plant ecology
- Emil Nordström, PhD Student,
- Florian Eggers, PhD student, fish ecology
- Raviv Gal, PhD student, freshwater mussel ecology
- Roman Motyka, PhD student, fish (eel) ecology
- Sebastian Rock, PhD student, fish ecology
- Samuel Shry, PhD student, fish ecology
- Velizara Stoilova, PhD student. fish ecology
- Mahboobeh Hajiesmaeili, Postdoctoral Researcher (ecological modelling)
- Eva Bergman, Full Professor, limnology and fish ecology
- Olle Calles, Associate Professor, applied fish ecology, regulated rivers
- Lutz Eckstein, Full Professor, plant ecology
- Lovisa Lind Eirell, Assistant Professor, ecology
- Ann Erlandsson, Associate Professor, molecular biology
- Larry Greenberg, Full Professor, fish ecology
- John Piccolo, Full Professor, fish ecology, conservation biology
- Johan Watz, Associate Professor, fish ecology
- Martin Österling, Associate Professor, fish and mussel ecology
- Stephen De Lisle, Associate Senior Lecturer
- Miguel Gomez, Associate Senior Lecturer
- Bianca Ott Andrade, Senior Lecturer
Affiliated researchers:
- Denis Lafage, PhD, Université de Rennes 1
Field- and laboratory technicians:
- Niclas Carlsson, Field technician
- Geni Carmen Zanol, Laboratory engineer
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