Assistants needed for low sloping intake rack experiment
Posted by Daniel Nyqvist | Projekt Galler
The principle behind downstream fish passage solutions using low sloping intake racks. The fish is swept and guided a long a beta rack to a bypass at the racks downstream end.
Hydropower dams block migration routes and disrupt longitudinal connectivity in rivers, thereby posing a threat to migratory fish species. Various fish passage solutions have been implemented to improve connectivity with varying success. For downstream migrating fish, low sloping turbine intake racks are used to guide fish to bypasses. Current knowledge, however, is based on hydropower plants with intake capacities <72 cms. There is also a trade-off between electricity generation and fish guidance (smaller bar spacing – better for fish, larger bar spacing – better for hydropower). Currently, gap widths/bar spacings of 10-20 mm are recommended but behavioral guidance effects open up the possibility of larger bar spacings.
During the autumn, Karlstad University in collaboration with Vattenfall and NINA will, experimentally study the behavior and passage performance of downstream migrating eels approaching a variety of low sloping intake racks. The experiments will be conducted in a new large experimental flume – Kungsrännan – at Vattenfalls laboratory in Älvkarleby. We will study the passage behavior and performance of eels for alpha racks – inclined from the bottom up – and beta racks – angled from one side of the channel to the other – with different gap-widths (10-30 mm).
For this, we are looking for one or two interested and ambitious laboratory assistants to join us in Älvkarleby. The assistants will be salaried and needed from September to November. Housing in the area can be provided. Are you interested in joining us? Contact Olle Calles or Daniel Nyqvist for more information.