DEC 2016 
Posted by Daniel Nyqvist |
Projekt Klarälven

Radiotagged migrating brown trout.
Next week, Daniel Nyqvist, PhD-student at Karlstad University, will defend his (my…) thesis “Atlantic salmon in regulated rivers: migration, dam passage, and fish behavior”. The defense will take place on Friday, December 9th, at 10:15 in room 9C 203 on Karlstad University. The abstract and the frame of the thesis are available online here.
Scott Hinch (University of British Columbia, Canada) is the opponent and Eva Thorstad (NINA, Norway), Kim Aarestrup (DTU AQUA, Denmark) and Hans Lundqvist (Swedish University of Agriculture) constitute the grading committee (betygskommitté). The visiting researchers will give seminars at Karlstad University on Thursday, December 8th. The seminars start at 14:15 in room 5F322:
Scott Hinch: Using telemetry in adaptive management experiments at fish passage facilities
Eva Thorstad: New results on downstream migration of eel and salmon past power stations in Germany
Hans Lundqvist: Wild Baltic stocks of Atlantic salmon in northern Sweden: Where are we and where are we going in Umeälven?
Kim Aarestrup has yet to disclose the title of his seminar.
Everyone is welcome to attend both the PhD-defense and the seminars.