Posted by | Projekt Ål i Ätran

Yesterday we recaptured the 18th of 19 eels we tagged and released upstream of the trap in Skärhultaån one month ago (22.08.2011). Watch out for missing No. 15, weight: 885 g, length: 785 mm, 1 orange mark at the dorsal fin. If he gonna be caught, we can call the catchability of the trap 100 %!

Additional, we marked two more groups with fancy green marks on there fins and released them at the same spots as we did last time. 5 dudes 500 m upstream of the trap and 5 dudes about 7 km upstream. One eel from the farther place in Kärnebygd allready returned last night (7 km!). Now, we are very curious if we can keep the good catchability with the new marking…

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2 thoughts on “Update on the tagging in Skärhultaån

  1. Flo says:

    4 more recaptures during the last night!

  2. Olle says:

    Way to go Flo (&eels)!

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