On Friday, 21 September, Stan Gregory from Oregon State University will give a seminar titled “Population dynamics of coastal cutthroat trout and Pacific giant salamanders in old-growth forest and second-growth forest reaches of a Cascade Mountain stream in Oregon, USA”. The seminar will be given at 15:00 in room 5F416 at Karlstad University.

Spawning cutthroat trout (photo: Yellowstone National Park).
Stan Gregory is in Karlstad as the opponent at Åsa Enfalks PhD defense. Åsa Enefalk will defend her thesis ”Fine stream wood – Effects on drift and brown trout (Salmo trutta) growth and behavior” at 10:15 on the same day (Friday 21 September) in Nyquistsalen (room 9C 203) at Karlstad Univeristy.
Everyone is welcome to attend both events!