Elin Blomqvist and Lutz Eckstein are main and senior authors, respectively, of a paper that studied the links between phenology and biomass and nutrient dynamics in the invasive herb Lupinus polyphyllus to identify the optimal timing for control mowing along road verges. The paper, which has recently been published open access in the journal Basic and Applied Ecology (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.baae.2025.02.006), was a cooperation between Karlstad University and Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany: Yves P. Klinger and Till Kleinebecker).

The main findings of the study were that biomass and nutrients of Lupinus polyphyllus in the roots are lowest during the flowering phase and that shoot-to-root ratios peak during flowering and the seed ripening phase. Therefore, control mowing during flowering and before seed dispersal will weaken the plants the most. Generally, the planning of control management of this invasive species by mowing should be based on the species’ phenology.

The pictures show Lupinus polyphyllus in three different phenological phases in which control through removal of above-ground biomass is expected to be most effective.

On 21 January, Jan Vermaat will be giving a seminar to our department with the title “Ecosystem services as an analytical framework: it can help to answer questions of management, planning and policy”. His work centers on ecosystem services, catchment biogeochemistry and floodplains as well as macrophytes.

Jan Vermaat

Jan is a professor at the Department of Environmental Sciences of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and research dean at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management. He will be visiting our department on 21 and 22 January. The seminar will take place on 21 January, at 13:15 CET in 5D307 and on https://kau-se.zoom.us/j/65816884688!

Lutz Eckstein is senior author of a paper showing that the invasive herb Lupinus polyphyllus significantly reduces the richness of vascular plants along valuable road verges in Sweden. The paper, which has recently been published open access in the journal Nordic Journal of Botany (https://nsojournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/njb.04438), is led by Juliana Dániel-Ferreira (SLU Uppsala). The study was a cooperation between Karlstad University and SLU (Swedish Biodiversity Centre – CBM) and is partly based on data collected by Karola Knudsen during her Master thesis at KaU.

One interesting finding of the study was that even though the direction of the effect of Garden lupine on vascular plant diversity was similar in both studied areas in Sweden, the magnitude was strongly dependent on the preexisting communities. The study area in the west (Värmland, Örebro) hosted a lower proportion of competitive species typical for nutrient poor soils compared to the area in the east (Västmanland, Uppland) (Fig. 1). The authors conclude that invasion by L. polyphyllus is a serious threat to vascular plant communities but that the response is context dependent. Communities with high abundance of vulnerable and poor competitive plant species should be prioritized for eradication and control of the invasive.

Fig. 1. Total plant occurrences belonging to the four categories of competitive ability in each type of plot for (a) the entire dataset, (b) the west area, and (c) the east area. No = plots without lupine, yes = plots dominated by lupine.

On 13 September, 10:00 AM, Jacqueline Hoppenreijs will defend her PhD thesis. The thesis, titled Rooting for riparian vegetation – processes underlying community composition in boreal ecosystems, covers the roles of hydrology and geomorphology in dispersal and environmental filtering of riparian vegetation, and builds on four papers:

1. Pressures on Boreal Riparian Vegetation: A Literature Review https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.806130

2. Seed dispersal of riparian plants: mapping hydrochory across hydrology and geomorphology

3. Effects of dispersal and geomorphology on riparian seed banks and vegetation in a boreal stream https://doi.org/10.1111/jvs.13240

4. Riparian vegetation in a regulated and a free-flowing river: effects of stream size, order and tributaries

The full thesis can be downloaded from DiVA. The defence is open to the public, and it is possible to follow it on our campus and on Zoom. Please contact jacqueline.hoppenreijs@kau.se for more information. 

We (V. van ‘t Hoff & P. Cabral & F. O. Akinyemi, et al.) would like to bring to your attention an exciting session at the upcoming ESP Europe 2024 conference.

Conference SessionArtificial Intelligence and Ecosystem Services – Advancements in AI in the field of ecosystem services for transformative change
Date: 18-22 November 2024
Location: Wageningen, The Netherlands
Abstract Submission: Open from 15 May to 15 July 2024 (https://espconference.org/europe2024/home)

Hosted by: Felicia O. Akinyemi, Pedro Cabral, and Vince van ‘t HoffCo-hosts: Sara Alibakhshi, Bruna Almeida, Jan Haas, Ewa Orlikowska, Xi-Lillian Pang, Mieke Siebers, Guojie Wang Aim: This session explores the transformative potential of AI in understanding, monitoring, and managing ecosystem services (ES). It will highlight innovative AI solutions, such as satellite image analysis and natural language processing, which offer new ways to gather and analyze complex data. The session will cover various AI methodologies, including machine learning, deep learning, and GeoAI, and discuss their applications in assessing and modelling ES and ecosystem functions (EF).

For more information and to submit your abstract, please visit the ESP Europe 2024 website.

Why to attend?

1) This session is an excellent opportunity to stay at the forefront of advancements in AI and its applications in ecosystem services. I highly encourage you to attend and consider contributing your knowledge.

2) The communications presented at this session may be considered for inclusion in a synthesis paper or a review paper highlighting knowledge gaps in the use of AI for ecosystem services in both empirical and modelling contexts.

On 27 February, Gabriele Consoli will be giving a seminar to our department with the title Ecomorphological effects of experimental floods in an alpine river: insights from the long-term e-flow program on the Spöl River. His work centers on the ways in which large wood and flow management affect rivers and their ecological functioning. Having a background in ecology and geomorphology, he now works as a postdoc at the River Ecosystems research group at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), where he combines abiotic, biotic and drone data to find out how flow affects the geomorphology and ecology of streams.

Read more about the River Ecosystems research group on their website and join us for the seminar on 27 February at 13:15 CET via  https://kau-se.zoom.us/j/65816884688

On February 20, Dr. Frank Jauker will be giving a talk about his work on agricultural landscapes and biodiversity promotion at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany. He will specifically present the GreenGrass project, where many societal stakeholders work together to improve grazing management, with the ultimate goal of making dairy production more sustainable.

Figure 1: View at one of the study sites in the GreenGrass project.

Attend the seminar via Zoom: https://kau-se.zoom.us/my/kaubiology, at 13:15 CET on February 20.


The Faculty of Health Science and Technology has an opening for one full-time post-doctoral research fellow in Biology at the Department of Environmental and Life Sciences in the field of quantitative aquatic ecology, with a focus on fish movement behaviour and machine learning techniques to predict how an eel will move in a river as a function of the surroundings.

The River Ecology and Management Research Group (RivEM), a research environment within the Department of Environmental and Life Sciences at Karlstad University, conducts both basic and applied research in and along rivers and lakes and their surrounding landscapes. The research group is interested in the sustainable use of natural resources in watersheds, working for solutions to environmental problems that benefit both society and nature. Areas of research addressed by RivEM include river connectivity and the effects of hydropower, aquatic- terrestrial interactions and habitats, winter ecology under global climate change, endangered species such as unionid mussels, conservation biology and social-ecological research relating to river regulation and recreational fishing (www.kau.se/biologyhttp://www.nrrv.se). Within many of these topics, research is conducted in collaboration with stakeholders from industry, administrative agencies, interest organizations and landowners. You will be employed as a post-doc in Biology and the employment is a temporary full-time position for two years, with a possible one-year-extension, and may include teaching or other academic duties in the Department.


Hydropower dams impact riverine connectivity, deteriorating life-cycle performance of many species as they obstruct the migration routes for organisms between areas used for feeding, reproduction and survival. To prevent further global declines in fish biodiversity, identifying and understanding key fish-environment interactions is crucial for successful conservation strategies. This is especially so for the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) whose population has declined 95% in the last 25 years and is currently categorized as critically threatened. The exact reasons for the decline in the eel population are not known, but a combination of effects from over-exploitation, new pathogens, climatic changes, and habitat degradation including fragmentation are believed to be the most probable causes. Adult seaward-migrating eels are more vulnerable to passage through hydropower installations than many other fish species due to their elongated body length. The need for mitigation and effective strategies for increasing survival of out-migrating eels in regulated rivers is thus obvious.

Concurrently, inferences of cost-effectiveness and relevance of mitigation and restoration efforts demand detailed knowledge of the specific processes that result in elevated migrating fish mortalities. In the case of eels and power plant-induced mortality, there is a very simple solution: prevent the eels from entering the turbines and restore river connectivity. This solution demands knowledge-based development of optimized solutions that should be rooted in in-depth knowledge about eel behaviour and ecology. However, at present there is a lack of detailed knowledge on how to create sustainable solutions to do this and at the same time prevent loss of hydropower electricity production. The reason being a lack of a fundamental understanding on how the eel behaves as a function of the hydrological environment.

Our project aims at developing a statistical framework that provides an understanding of how different key hydrological variables affect eel swimming behavior, and machine learning techniques to predict how an eel will move in a river as a function of the surroundings. The statistical model framework will be developed based on existing models for smolt behaviour, developed by members of the proposed project. This will provide a generic and general understanding of the correlation between hydrological variables and the swimming behavior of eels during downstream migration. This result will then be used in a machine learning model to predict eel downstream migratory routes. The results of this project are expected to help in the development of mitigation solutions for eels to strengthen the European eel population and consequently contribute to the restoration of the ecological dynamics of freshwater aquatic systems.

The successful candidate will work within RivEM, in close collaboration with experts from the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) and Vattenfall R&D, with end-to-end data science projects which require leveraging state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, statistical methods, and other advanced analytics tools so as to deliver solutions for fish conservation. Through this role, you will have the opportunity to collaborate and develop your career together with experts within biology and other experienced data scientists in the project. In addition, silver eel telemetry studies in the field to study eel swimming behaviour and hydrodynamics can come into question. The applicant is expected to be active at the university and participate in the research environment.


To be eligible for the position, applicants are required to hold a PhD (or to be completed before the decision about the employment is taken) in quantitative ecology, statistics, computational ecology, or related fields. The candidate must have completed the degree no more than three years before the last date for applications unless special grounds exist. Older PhD degrees can be taken into account when there are special reasons, such as leave due to sick leave, parental leave, clinical service, positions of trust within unions or other similar circumstances. Excellent oral and written communication skills in English are required.

To apply for this role, visit, https://kau.varbi.com/en/what:job/jobID:674172/

Felix Eissenhauer, a PhD student at the University of New Brunswick, will be giving a seminar entitled “Ecology of the American eel (Anguilla rostrata) in a large tidal and hydropower-regulated river” over Zoom  https://kau-se.zoom.us/j/65816884688 at 13:15 CET on December 5, 2023.

Felix’s work focuses on the ecology of the American eel in the Wolastoq River, a large tidal and hydropower-regulated river in Canada. He is studying how a hydropower dam affects the recruitment of eel elvers and using mark-recapture methods to assess their population size and demographics. Further, Felix uses acoustic telemetry to study the depth and thermal habitat use and the seasonal migration behaviour of yellow eels in the Wolastoq River.

You are welcome to join this seminar